New Or Used Opel Corsa Parts At A Fraction Of The Price Of Agent Prices

Opel Corsa parts on offer for all models of Corsa from the first that landed on local shores in 1996 tend to be expensive when bought directly from the agents, and agent mark-ups are high as a general rule over all vehicle brands.  That being said, the Corsa has always been a reasonable car to maintain and repair, mainly due to:

  • substantial economies of scale achieved by the high production numbers of the vehicles
  • the local manufacture of many models contributing to lower parts prices
  • the relatively simple engineering of the car

Opel Corsa Parts have Become more Expensive

The original Opel Corsa “B” that was launched in South Africa in 3-door hatch guise only during the latter part of the ’90s was not axed when we received the “C” in 2002 but instead stayed on as the Corsa Lite.  The Opel Corsa parts for the “B” are the most affordable of all the Corsas and these cars were simple, robust and reliable, with few concessions to modernity except for fuel injection.  The “B” later received a 4-door sedan sibling, but the hatch never had more than three doors, limiting its practicality somewhat; still, the cars were very popular and by the time the Lite was put out to pasture in 2009, the range once again consisted of 3-door hatchbacks only and with a single 1.4-litre engine.  Opel Corsa parts for the “B” remain plentiful and relatively affordable.

However, the subsequent Corsa “C” launched here in 2002 was a notably more sophisticated offering and the Opel Corsa parts for this model were more expensive.  Some engines were very similar and for those, the mechanical parts prices were relatively similar too, but trim and accident damage parts had risen in price, ably inflated by the agents’ significant margins.  The latest Corsa is a really smart-looking and well-built little Euro hatch, but it is more expensive again to maintain, putting maintenance cost right up there with other expensive rivals like the VW Polo.

Opel Corsa Parts at a Discount

Remember that you have an alternative when sourcing parts for your Corsa and you do not have to pay the highest prices for brand-new genuine parts.  We realise that many ageing Corsa “B” models are bought used by people on a shoestring budget and they bank on the little car’s dependability and low running and maintenance costs to make ends meet.  They would also be pleased to hear that they can save a lot of money on replacement parts by buying them from us.  If you have an old Corsa, there are several reasons why you would not want to buy parts from the agents:

  • a damaged Corsa may be too expensive to put right and sourcing sound used parts may make it economically viable
  • it is easy to overcapitalise on an old car and it does not make sense to spend too much on maintenance
  • sound used parts may offer years of reliable service at a fraction of the cost of new parts

Source affordable new or used Opel Corsa parts from us.