Have You Noticed That Suzi is All Grown Up?

Let’s be frank-when South African motorists were first presented with Suzuki as a carmaker many years ago, reactions were mixed. On the one hand, Suzuki, as a company had already established a dynamite reputation for their motorbikes, outboard motors, and other engineered products. There was a huge contingent of South Africans who didn’t give their credibility in the arena a second thought–Suzuki was an established performer in the field of vehicular motion, full stop. On the other hand, Suzuki could be seen to be going through the first decade of car making that every automaker who climbs into the arena needs to suffer. Their cars were a bit boxy and translating two-wheeled success into a four-wheel wonder was always going to be a challenge. The same challenge, in fact, that national rival Honda had been through too, years before. We’ve seen it many times over the last few decades again, with the entry of Hyundai, Kia, Tata, and Mahindra into the South African market.suzuki spares

Today, however, hasn’t the brand emerged victoriously. Modern Suzuki cars are stylish, nippy, and contain decade upon decade of Japanese mechanical ingenuity. It’s not too grand a statement to say that the average modern Suzuki is the pinnacle of four-wheel offers made to South Africans by the company to date. Suzuki’s cars look really good now, and they go really well – no one would dispute this. It’s easy to overlook the extreme dexterity Suzuki had to manifest to get here. Yes, being one of the “Big Four” Japanese motorcycle makers for decades gave the company credibility, but at the same time, this pigeonholed Suzuki as a bike maker, and those early dinky toy SUVs didn’t help!


Making Affordable Suzuki Parts an Entrenched Reality

If there has been a persistent theme around the brand, it’s been affordable Suzuki parts. Never prone to profiteering on new vehicle prices, Suzuki spares were also modestly priced. This was true for motorcycles (or they were at least cheaper than Honda here in South Africa) and it’s a reality modern Suzuki car drivers would no doubt like to see continue. That said, all automakers vet global markets for the potential to position themselves in terms of quality, price, and potential uptake, and we can forgive Suzuki a little for closing the price gap somewhat over the last few years. The past few years have also seen their cars go from ok-ish to quite snazzy, so fair’s fair in the auto pricing game – today Suzuki cars are still cheap, as a reality and as a comparison, but they’re so much more stylish and equipped than their predecessors. suzuki car

With a detailed catalogue of hatches, SUVs, bikes, outboard motors and even ATVs (did we mention wheelchairs too?), Suzuki remains seen as an affordable yet quality vehicle, no doubt also trading slightly on the reputation for reliability and durability their compatriots Honda and Toyota have built over the years in South Africa. As a Japanese carmaker, Suzuki’s spares are popular all over the world. Thank their genuine value for money and performance for that, but it’s also because there is an army of Suzuki nuts out there who enjoy modifying whatever Suzuki it is they own! We know, because many are our clients. A.S.A.P. Spares is a dedicated and affordable Suzuki parts outlet, and we make sure that we stock or can order any second-hand or new Suzuki spares you’ll need to keep your wheels rolling.


A.S.A.P. Spares Is a Member of the Suzuki Family

At A.S.A.P. Spares, we don’t just supply some Suzuki spares, we’ve dedicated our time and money to infiltrating the global Suzuki network, and made sure that we have the connections and suppliers we need to be your first choice for one-stop, affordable Suzuki parts. Perhaps most importantly, we’re dedicated to perpetuating the Suzuki legacy of affordable quality, and you’re unlikely to find any Suzuki car parts anywhere else in SA for less. We know, because we’ve done our homework. We’ve made the effort and done the research required to confidently state that we’re your best bet for Suzuki service and maintenance parts, rebuild spares, as well as whatever fringe Suzuki items you might need.

We were disparaging about the original Suzuki Jimny above, but as testament to Suki’s quality, many of the spares we sell are for just that vehicle – still going strong and still going off-road. Whether it’s an SUV, a hatch, or a sedan, if it’s a Suzuki with four wheels, A.S.A.P. Spares is here for you with affordable Suzuki parts. We supply second-hand and new Suzuki spares, we maintain a detailed and transparent price list, and we go out of our way to ensure you get the best possible price on everything.

We don’t limit you to what’s on the shop floor – we’ll get right on sourcing spares we might not have at the time, and you’ll be hard-pressed to find anyone providing better service around such affordable Suzuki spares prices. When it comes to getting affordable Suzuki parts quickly and as cost effectively as possible, A.S.A.P. Spares has few rivals. We even buy vehicles that some unfortunate person might have wrapped around a pole – that’s how much of a dedicated Suzuki bunch we are! Such dedication also enables us to give you the subtle differences and price realities when shopping Suzuki spares. Call on us for your Suzuki spares, and we’ll do our utmost to ensure that it’s the most pleasantly cheap, swift, and friendly Suzuki experience you’ve had. Choose us when buying car parts!